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Early Season Trade Wind Crossing

Sao Vicente to Barbados in November

Setting off on the 6th of November our passage began with mostly fairly light east wind intersperced with squalls. A few of the squalls were so big and powerfull that the wind got up to about 30 knots for half a day acompanied by several hours of the barometer dropping at more than one milibar per hour.

Sailing dead downwind the headsail chafed on the spreaders and ripped open.

The repair was fairly straight forward using sticky sail repair tape and a piece of an old sail stitched over it all as a chafe guard.

There were more dolphins at either end of the atlantic. This small group with a baby was way out in the middle.

As with the dolphins the frigate birds were found all across the Atlantic, but there were more of them close to Africa.

Out in the middle the wind went away for a few days but the swell kept rolling in from the north.

Painting a courtisy flag for Barbados.

The last few days into Barbados the trade winds kicked in quite a bit and we made 350 miles in 72 hours running dead downwind with two reefs pulled in the mainsail.

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Images and text copywrite 2012 by Michael Traum