Racing West through the Indonesian Archipelago ahead of the North West
monsoon wind.
The busy port town of Kupang was our first introduction to the vibrant life of SE Asia.
The river in Kupang.
Most boats in Indonesia are all still made out of wood, but sails are not common anymore.
A typical large wooden long range fishing boat coming into port.
These wooden outrigger canoes powered by a small air cooled Honda engine are known as "longtails" or "stingers".
Modern vehicular ferries connect all of the Indonesian islands with regular service.
Sangeang Volcano looms in the distance.
Eva motors into the harbor at Ende on Flores island past an active volcano.
Yellow sulfer stains on the side of the caldera where gasses escape from deep below the earths surface.
Anchored at Komodo National Park it was the wrong season for Komodo Dragons.
We did see a lot of wildlife in the park, including this Sumba Deer stag.
This large colorful dragon fly spent the night in Eva's main cabin.
Spiders like this one are common throughout the area, and are often four inches accross.
Small fast sand crabs patroll the beaches.
Plastic trash of every description liters Indonesian beaches.
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