Little bird visits Eva's lifelines
There were huge numbers of these butterflys on some offshore islands
The continant of Australia to the west makes for bright orange sunsets
Anchored out on the outer great barrior reef the sunrises are clear and bright
From an anchorage in the Whitsundays we watched the Hamilton Island Race Week
Sailing close by Snapper Island what came floating by but two mating green sea turtles
Sailing north we had mostly light trade winds from behind
Barron falls near Cairns was not flowing much, as it was the dry season, but was spectacular none the less
Fast catamerans zip tourists out to the reef for the day
We never saw a croc in the wild, but this one sure put on a show for it's daily chicken
Cooktown has at least a half a dozen monuments to James Cook's 1770 visit
The museum in Cooktown has an anchor and cannon from the Endeavor recovered off of Endeavor reef in the 1980's
Cooktown's goldrush days brought many chinese people to the area, this idol is from a temple that once existed in Cooktown
Blue Lagoon on Lizzard island as seen from Cook's Look, where in 1770 Cook climbed to look for a break in the barrior reef
Cook named Lizzard Island for the many sand monitors he saw there. This one was nearly six feet long, and sat on that warm rock totally unconcerned as I took his picture
Thursday Island in the Torres Straight was our last stop in Australia
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